Frequently asked questions
Below you can find some frequently asked questions with their answers. If your question is not listed here, be sure to contact on!
Technology FAQ
Which web browsers can I run the training with?
The training can be performed by all standard browsers, i.e. Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari and Microsoft Edge. We do ask that each session work via the same browser. To run on the Safari browser (on a Mac), a small setting has to be adjusted once. See below for the question 'I hear nothing. How come?'
On which devices can I do the training?
The training has been developed for use on both computer and tablet. You can perform the training on a desktop, on a laptop or on a tablet. In principle, the training even works on a smartphone, but we strongly advise against this due to the small screen. We also ask that each session be run on the same device.
What should I do if my internet goes down?
Of course, the training is best done with a stable internet connection. However, if the connection is lost, the session will automatically stop and it will be lost. After the connection has been re-established, please log in again and run the full session again. The system will remember which session you need to make and you can always indicate this in the comments area after that session.
I hear nothing. How come?
Check whether your speakers or headphones are connected correctly and whether they are supplied with power. Also check whether the volume of your device is turned on and is sufficiently loud. At the start of each session, there is the opportunity to test your audio. Due to a software update from Apple, it is possible that no sound is played on Apple devices. If you use the Safari browser, you must first indicate in the preferences that sounds can be played. To do this, go to Safari > Preferences > Websites > Autoplay and adjust the setting to "Allow autoplay". If you have trouble finding this setting, please contact us via the contact form or by mail.
I want to perform the training on a laptop. Should I use a mouse?
We do recommend an external mouse because there are a lot of (fast) mouse movements in the training task. With a mouse this will be a bit faster and smoother than with a trackpad. If it is a laptop with a touchscreen, you can choose yourself. We do ask that every session work in the same way, if possible.
I can't get the training started, or I don't understand the training. What now?
For technical, practical and other problems, please contact us at
Target group FAQ
Who is this training intended for?
This training has been specifically developed for people who have suffered from depression, but who may still have residual complaints. Are you such a person? And do you also want to do something to prevent relapse? Then this training is for you! nThis training gives you the opportunity to improve your quality of life, actively prevent relapse and advance science.
I am currently depressed. Can I do this training?
We don't recommend this, because the task does require some thinking and this can be extra difficult during depression. The task itself can also be frustrating. Furthermore, because it is quite difficult, task performance may not improve, resulting in a failure experience, which is not good for mood.
I am currently depressed. Will this training help me out?
No. Unfortunately, this training will not be able to help you enough. You can get help from your GP, your psychologist or psychiatrist or from Tele-onthaal, on telephone number 106.
I'm really not doing well. Where can I go?
We are happy to refer you to your GP, your psychologist or psychiatrist.
I've never experienced depression and I don't have any major problems concentrating. Can I do this training?
The training has no disadvantages, so you can certainly carry out the training. But limited research shows that no major benefits are to be expected in such a case.
I suffer from attention and/or memory problems. Will this training help me?
Depending on the cause of these complaints, this training may help you. However, this depends on several factors, so we can't give a short answer.
Course FAQ
Why is this called "training"?
An important aspect is that you do the task regularly in a fairly short time. You can compare this with a workout in fitness. If you go to the gym once a month, you will not notice much of this. If you go 3 times a week, you will usually get results. This is also the case with our training.
How do I know when I can do the next session?
After each session we ask when you want to do the next session. You will receive an email immediately after the session with your chosen time. Reminder emails are also sent before and after this time, if you have not yet completed the session by that time.
I missed my session. What now?
Log in as soon as you can, and if you can still do the next session, there's no problem. If several days have passed, you will no longer be able to log in. In that case, please contact us at
I once did part of the training but then stopped. Now I want to do the training again. What am I doing?
Nice that you are interested again! We recommend starting over from scratch, and thus actually performing the entire workout during the defined period, as if you were doing the training for the first time.
Where is the best place to do the training?
We recommend that you do the training at home, in a quiet place without distractions. But since the training is online, you can do it anywhere you want (if you have an internet connection) as long as you can work undisturbed and can hear the program sufficiently.
Operation FAQ
How can that number-making exercise help me control my worrying thoughts?
This task has a number of elements: you have to be constantly attentive, you have to remember new information and forget old information, and all this in a stressful or frustrating context. This will train specific areas in your brain, while others will become 'stronger', like a real muscle. It is precisely these areas that are important to be able to control worrying thoughts. Since this is even more difficult with stress or frustration, this is also part of the training itself. So don't let this discourage you!
Should I do this training with a therapist?
This training is freely available to everyone, with or without a therapist. If you want to do this with the cooperation of your therapist, you can show this site and ask them to contact us.
I don't notice any effect from the training. Doesn't this work for me?
There are no immediately noticeable effects of this training, so you can be sure that you will not 'feel' anything. Don't let this discourage you! The effect of the training comes later, after completing all the sessions, and is actually in your brain. So it's definitely important to do all the sessions, even if you don't notice it right away.
What can I expect after doing the training?
Unfortunately, there are no directly demonstrable effects (yet). Some do report that they can concentrate better, remember better or feel better after doing the full training. Initial studies did show positive results after doing this training, in terms of depressive symptoms and worrying, which may help prevent relapse in depression. We also see an increase in resilience and quality of life. By answering the questionnaires, you do give the researchers the opportunity to find out whether and to what extent the effects of the training are, and of course you also help science.
I feel frustrated after doing the training. Is this normal?
That's perfectly normal and means you're doing your best in this workout as well. It is a difficult task with time pressure. Feelings of frustration can certainly arise and can contribute to the effectiveness of this training. Try to relax enough after training by providing a fun, quiet activity.
Frequently asked questions about results
I only have around 50% of answers correct. Is this normal?
Yes. The task adapts to your performance, resulting in around 50% of accuracy. If you have multiple questions correct in a row, the training will speed up. By speeding up, the training gets harder, resulting in more errors. This results in an accuracy of around 50%.
I'm not getting faster in the training. Is this normal?
Yes, in most people, we see a drop on the second graph (speed) which then flattens out. If the line on your chart goes down, it means the numbers are coming faster. However, at a certain point, you have reached your limit and you really can't go faster. Even then it is important that you continue to perform the training as well as possible. No more improving on the task does not mean that the training no longer has an effect on you!
Are my results the effect I notice from the training?
No. The results actually depend on how well the training works for you. The results are also much less important than doing the training. Your results will not improve every session. You get to see your results because other people have already indicated that this makes the training more pleasant for the participant, but the score in itself doesn't really mean anything and is therefore secondary.
I did my best but my results are not as good as last time. How come?
All sorts of things can effect how well you do the job; for example, sleep quality, your mood and stress. If you are not feeling well, or if you have not slept well, it is possible that your score is lower than last time. However, a lower score does not mean that you are not doing the training well. Doing the training is more important than the performance; especially if you don't feel well.
Results FAQ
What will happen to my data?
Your questionnaire data and your training data are stored separately and kept anonymous. This makes it impossible to link your answers to your identity. It is true that your personal data will still be kept during the study because it may be necessary to be able to contact you.
Who has access to my data?
Your personal data is only accessible by 2 researchers at Ghent University. Your training data and questionnaire data are only available to the researchers involved.
How can I manage my data?
Unfortunately, it is not possible to view your data afterwards, because the training data is not linked to your personal info. As a result, we do not know who owns which data. It is, however, possible to request that your data be deleted during the study. It is best to contact us for this.
Is there scientific evidence that this training works?
Yes. Several studies have already been done. After performing this training, there is a decrease in depressive symptoms and worry, and an increase in resilience and quality of life. Since we never know enough, a number of studies are also planned in the near future. If you want to participate in this, you can certainly contact us.
Does my contribution also help science?
Yes! The training tries to help people by preventing relapse and generally improving quality of life, but by completing the training we also gain new insights into depression, which can lead to better treatments.
How can I know the results of a study I participated in?
This can be done simply by contacting us.